Men’s Release: Shea Outfit @ MOM

We have a men’s clothing release out at this month’s Men Only Monthly event!

The Shea outfit offers up a great jacket/sweater/shirt combo as well as jeans and shoes. Each jacket includes: 8 tie, pocket square, and shirt color options, AND 14 sweater color options! The jackets are sold in 6 color options, jeans in 5 colors and shoes in 4 color options.

Visit MOM to try and demo!

Nathan Shirt and Shorts @ MOM Event

We have an exclusive release available now at the Men Only Monthly Event: Nathan Shirt & Short set.

Shirt and Shorts are being sold both separately and as a full fatpack set.  There are 5 shirt and 5 short color options.

Shirt includes: tucked/untucked version, removable tie & 3 tie color options.

Shorts include: 2 belt color options.

This set is exclusively fit to the Belleza Jake Mesh Body.

Visit Men Only Monthly and try a demo today!