Important Belleza Press Release

The Belleza Team has had a DMCA filed against us regarding the VENUS mesh body. We received the email just a short time ago and are sharing this information with the public ASAP so as to keep you all informed.

We intend to take full action against these FALSE claims. We have reason to suspect the culprits behind it are the same people who have been sending constant harassing and threatening messages on our lives for months now. In addition, they have been terrorizing customers in the store as well as griefing the sim with graphic card crashers. All of these recent events have taken place while Tricky is out of the country on vacation, but rest assured he fully intends to shorten his trip and return home to counter all claims.

Tricky’s work has been copyrighted since day one, and we are completely confident we will have VENUS back up in store as soon as these charges have been thrown out the window. In the meantime, if you haven’t yet purchased VENUS, I would suggest visiting the store ASAP and picking her up – she might be gone for a month or so.

Lawyers have already been contacted and we will pursue this to the full extent of the law, even after the false DMCA has been removed – BELLEZA WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS SORT OF BULLYING.

We thank all of our customers and fellow creators during this time for your support of the brand, and thank you for your faith in our honesty and transparency throughout this process.

The Belleza Team

Tricky, Shyla & Felicity

42 thoughts on “Important Belleza Press Release

  1. It took me months to decide which mesh body I wanted. After buying the Venus, I was completely and totally satisfied. And now this? I’m so sorry this has happened, and I hope the culprit is sued into nothingness. I support you!

  2. I think these are the same people who filed DMCA against many other mesh body & enhancement creators. These bullies had successfully managed to take down all those products from the market. We still do not know who filed those False DMCAs, their identity is still a secret! Many still believe Belleza was behind those False DMCA claims..Now this is good opportunity for Belleza to clear its name and expose the real bullies..None of the other creators had the legal know how or money to fight these false they just gave up trying.

    I am glad to hear Belleza will fight this all the way through. Please recover damages caused by these bullies and make sure they are banned them from sl forever. There should be heavy fines and jail time for disrupting the operations of legitimate businesses with false DMCA claims..These bullies must be punished.. We are all behind Belleza and we will spend money at your store in the next few days buying stuff that we need & that stuff we dont need.

    There must be consequences for filing false DMCA claims.. So far they got away with it…not anymore. We are the behind you all the way.

  3. This is a load of bullshit. I know it is because, I have tested many bodies out there and this has been the best one.
    So, that means, that no one else had a body similar to it.
    You have many many many supporters. If it comes out who did this…. can’t they imagine what a poor light this will show them in?
    Sigh… i support you all 100%!

  4. Go and get these idiotic fools. Sue them and let Interpol get them, if necessary. It cannot go on like this, abusing the DMCA system seems to have a become popular sports among the brainless idiots harassing Second Life since day 1. I hope Linden Lab will support the cause as soon as the RL identity and malicious interest of these bastards is disclosed.

  5. These accusations are stupid and ridiculous, and it just shows the lack of capacity building of these jealous people.
    I hope it has a quick end, the Belleza is an antique store and all we should have respect for the creators who bring beauty and innovation to our dream world called “Second Life.”

    Essas acusações são estupidas e ridículas, e isso só mostram a falta de capacidade de criação dessas pessoas invejosas.
    Eu espero que isso tenha um fim rápido, a Belleza é uma loja antiga e todos nós deveriamos ter respeito com os criadores, que trazem beleza e inovação para nosso mundo de sonhos chamado “second life”.

  6. I fully support the Belleza creators, who have made some of the most perfect skins in SL, and a very nice body as well. As a matter of fact, I vastly prefer the mesh project body, to Venus. However this accusation is obviously false, and I loathe the jealous bully who has filed it.

  7. I suggest that once solved the issue that you publish the names of the guilty and if possible expose their modus operandi in detail to help other victims of such harassment.

  8. Always takes some classless fool to try and bring down good, original, and talented creators in SL. Don’t worry Belleza team, plenty of people have your back, and this person is going to look like a complete idiot when their absurd accusations are proven to be false. I know how much hard work you put into this body, and it will continue to sell like hotcakes in SL as soon as this bullshit passes. All my love and support to the Belleza Team!

  9. Noo! I haven’t got to get my Venus mesh body yet and was hoping to get it tomorrow. She’s the most beautiful mesh body I’ve seen yet! Why do people feel the need to do this? Belleza is the best skin creator in SL. 😦

  10. I just have this one thing to say, “BEWARE OF THE WRATH OF TRICKY” I supported all the mesh designers that had this same thing happen to them. PHAT AZZ, WOWMEH. I was sorry to see them go because of this same instance. I think you will find it is the same people, as the creator of WOWMEH mentioned that she was threatened also in her real life as well.

    I support Belleza 1000 percent. I know Tricky and he is a very honorable person!

    I had purchased this body, as well as all the ones that are no longer.

  11. I have tried and owned several mesh bodies. I fell in love with the natural realistic curves of Belleza as soon as I put on the demo and ran back immediately to buy it. She truly is Venus. I totally support you in this fight and am so happy you are going to legally pursue this and unmask this cyber bully. Thank you again for the beautiful body and I look forward to the day when everyone else can enjoy it again.

  12. I personally LOVE LOVE LOVE my Belleza skin, appliers and everything else. I do NOT believe this mess and hope that the fake can be brought to their knees. I am asked all the time where my skin came from and I give them the LM encourage them to join the group because the price is more than doubled back with just the group gift alone. I do hope that this falsifying idiot can be brought to a stop and ban forever. You have my FULL support and belief in your product.

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